How to Clean a Ceramic Stove Top

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A ceramic or glass stovetop is a modern addition to any home. It does not use any stove grates or cast iron burners, and is generally easy to clean as its smooth surfaces do not latch onto dirt easily. However, oils, grease, and fingerprints often clutter the surface, which can make your stovetop look dull and dirty. Here's how to keep your stovetop clean the safe and easy way!

What You'll Need

  • Dish soap
  • Damp cloth or Sponge
  • Baking soda
  • Warm water or Vinegar
  • Scrub brush
  • Dry paper towel

How to Clean a Ceramic Stovetop: A Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Clean Your Ceramic or Glass Cooktop

First, take your damp cloth or sponge, and add a drop or two of dish soap. The dish soap should cut through all the grease and oils left on your ceramic stovetop, breaking down food stains and residue. Wipe your cooktop clean.

Step 2: Create a Baking Soda Paste

Create a baking soda mixture with baking soda and warm water or vinegar. Vinegar would work better, but does emit a strong odor. The cleaning paste should lift and soften hardened food grime, and the reaction from baking soda bubbling will help get deep stains out of your ceramic stovetop.

Step 3: Apply the Paste and Let it Sit

Apply the cleaning paste all over your cooktop, applying a thick layer over hardened food bits. Alternatively, you can sprinkle baking soda over your stove, and spritz it with some pure or diluted vinegar to allow the solution to bubble directly on the glass stovetop.

Let the baking soda solution sit on your glass, ceramic cooktop for 15 minutes or longer. The longer you leave the paste to sit, the easier it will be to remove the stains. Make sure the paste is kept moist by spraying it with vinegar or water from time to time.

Step 4: Scrub the Stains Out

Use a soft-bristled brush to scrub the stains out. You should notice the stains coming out with ease, especially on the smooth surface of your dirty ceramic stovetop. If the stains refuse to scrub out, do not apply more pressure, but instead re-apply a layer of baking soda cleaning paste, and leave the paste to work for a longer period of time.

For incredibly tough stains, you can use a razor blade to remove the hardened food bits, but use very light pressure, and use this with caution to avoid scratching the surface of your cooktop. Whenever possible, a plastic card may also work to remove the stain without damaging your cooktop.

Step 5: Rinse with Damp Sponge

Use a sponge dampened with plain water to clean the baking soda residue off your stovetop. Keep rinsing out the sponge, and wiping the glass stovetop to remove as much residue as possible. Avoid soaking the stove, however, as the sponge should be damp, not soaking wet.

Step 6: Dry with Cloth or Paper Towel

Use a microfiber cloth or paper towel to dry your stovetop. These do not leave any fibers or residue, making them the perfect materials to give your ceramic stove a shiny, clean appearance without fingerprints, dust, or oil marks.

Keeping Your Stovetop Clean and Shiny

Keeping your ceramic stovetop clean and shiny is a relatively simple matter. All you need to do is to keep up a cleaning routine everyday, and polish the surface to a smooth shine. Once you've got a routine down, you should be able to keep your stovetop clean.

  • Avoid using abrasive cleansers and tools like an acidic oven cleaner, or steel wool to clean your glass ceramic cooktops as they may leave scratches on the surface.
  • Clean a glass cooktop daily to prevent food from hardening on the surface.
  • Use only food-safe cleaning products and solutions to clean your stovetop.
  • Use a microfiber cloth to buff and polish your cooktop after cleaning to give it a shiny appearance without leaving fibers and fingerprints.
  • Wipe spills immediately before they set. This will prevent the food bits from hardening on your stove top, especially for melted cheese, sugar, syrup, and thick sauces.

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