Do you automatically lose motivation at the first mention of cleaning your room? Cleaning can certainly be a chore, but you can't just forego your daily tasks just because you don't feel like doing the cleaning today!
Just like any other rooms in your house, your bedroom can accumulate dust, dirt, and stains that need to be cleaned away to keep your home spotless. Thankfully, there are a couple of ways you can get yourself motivated to clean!
In this article, we'll show you how to motivate yourself to clean your room! Cleaning your room takes much less time and effort compared to cleaning your entire house - you're cleaning only one room, after all! But when you lose the motivation to clean, it can feel like a chore rather than an important part of your routine.
How to Get Motivated to Clean Your Room: 10 Effective Tips
#1 Make it a Habit
Make a habit out of your cleaning. Your body relies on muscle memory to get you going, and making a habit of cleaning your room at certain hours of the day would give you motivation to keep cleaning your messy house daily. Your body will find a bolt of energy as you gain motivation to keep up with your cleaning tasks.
#2 Break Down Your Chores
When you look at all the tasks you need to do, it may be daunting to start cleaning. However, when you break down the chores into smaller tasks, you can gain a cleaning motivation as you notice how simple each chore really is. With so much stuff to do, you'll often feel less overwhelmed when you tackle each task one at a time.
#3 Get Up and Get Going
Don't just sit back down after a heavy meal. Get up and get going! Cleaning your room is a great way to get your body moving, especially after a meal or during a creative block. You'll feel motivated to move around instead of being a couch potato, and your digestive system works better when you're up and about too!
#4 Set an Alarm
Set an alarm for yourself, and challenge yourself to do more with less time. This makes cleaning fun as you push the boundaries of just how fast you can clean your room properly. Start with a 30-minute timer, then work your way down to clean your room in just 10 minutes! Take each small task at a time, and you'll find yourself cleaning faster than you usually do.
#5 Create a Checklist
A checklist helps keep track of the chores you need to do for your whole room. This includes taking dirty dishes out of your room, as well as segregating dirty clothes from clean clothes. A checklist would assure you of the completion of all tasks, and would guide you as you get to cleaning your room.
#6 Delegate Tasks
One reason you may not be willing to clean your room is because you have a lot of chores to do around the house. Your cleaning routine is already packed full of different tasks you need to complete in a day, but it may be helpful to delegate the tasks to other household members as well. This way, you can find time and energy to clean your own room while keeping a tidy home.
Alternatively, you can opt to leave some of the daily chores to your appliances. Utilize a robot vacuum to keep your floors clean, and use a dishwasher to keep all the dishes clean. You'll lessen your cleaning tasks, freeing up time and energy for you to do other things!
#7 Make a Rewards System
Whether you're positively teaching your kids to be more responsible about their rooms, or you're trying to motivate yourself into cleaning your own room, create a rewards system that would entice you to get motivated to clean. This will prevent you from feeling overwhelmed as you spin a positive reinforcement on cleaning.
#8 Reflect While You Clean
Put on some calming music, a scented candle, and any other relaxation tools as you clean your room, and reflect or dissociate from the moment as you go about your cleaning. Cleaning uses up a lot of physical energy, and you can allow your mind to relax as you do the chores with some calming reflection, meditation, or simply listening to songs you enjoy hearing.
#9 Take It Slow
It's alright to take things slow, especially as you're going about your cleaning. You don't have to rush your cleaning, and you can tackle each task one step at a time. This goes for all your chores from mopping the living room floor, to taking the clothes in the laundry basket to the washing machine. You don't need to rush these tasks in order to maintain a clean house.
#10 Outsource Your Cleaning
For a truly clutter-free home, you can opt to outsource your cleaning chores to companies that provide these services. Your living space needs constant cleaning, and professional house cleaning services don't cost much higher than doing the work yourself, and you get to spend more time and energy on the things you love doing instead!
At Luce Home, we understand not every household has the time to tackle their cleaning chores. Our expert cleaners are well-prepared to clean any room in your home so you don't feel overwhelmed with the amount of work you need to do! You'll feel inspired and gain motivation in a clean room than in a dirty one, too!
Don't know how to start cleaning? Check out our how-to guides for step-by-step cleaning information that you can do at home!