How to Prevent Mold & Mildew from Growing in Closet

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Mold growing in your home is not only annoying, they can also be the cause for skin and respiratory allergies when you come in touch with the spores. When mold starts growing in your closet and affecting your clothes, the chances of getting allergic reactions increase.

Find out how to prevent the growth of mold in your closet through our 7 tips! Apply these to your own home to keep mold away from your items, and maintain a general cleanliness to your house. Don't ignore those musty odors, and let's get into mold prevention!

What Causes Mold in Your Closet?

Plumbing Leak

Leaky plumbing is one of the common causes of closet mold, as there may be a pipe located behind the closet that is causing mold to grow. The moisture build up can cause the rapid spread of mold spores, especially if your closet is made of wood or other organic material.

Excess Moisture

Besides a plumbing leak, mold growth can also happen if the air inside the closet is humid. Excess moisture can come from damp clothes or air humidifiers you may have in your room. Mold feeds off moisture, and damages your garments as it spreads spores to grow into more colonies. 

Mold Growth

If you have mold in your closet walls, chances are you have mold growing in other areas of your house. Check the frequently-damp areas such as the kitchen, bathroom, and basement for signs of mold and mildew. These colonies can cause mold spores to reach your closet walls as they feed off moisture and organic material.

How to Prevent Mold and Mildew Growth Inside Your Closet

Method #1: Keep Everything Dry

Your main enemy in keeping mold away is moisture. Mold thrives in moist areas, so keeping your closet dry should be your golden rule when it comes to storing your items in the closet. Consider using washed charcoal to keep the air dry, storage baskets that allow air to circulate freely, and ensure your clothes and shoes are dry before storing them.

Method #2: Use Silica Gel Packs

Silica gel is often used to keep inventory dry, particularly in clothing stores, dry goods, bags, and shoes. You probably have some lying around from your last purchase, and it is good to keep a bunch of these silica packets around your closet to keep the moisture out. Silica absorbs moisture, keeping your closet dry. Keep a basket of silica gel around the corners of your closet.

Method #3: Keep Closet Doors Open

Keep the closet doors open to let the fresh air circulate, especially after cleaning your closet, or storing your freshly-pressed laundry. This way, your closet can properly release the humidity trapped inside, and allow fresh air to enter. However, be sure you're not running an air humidifier while you do.

Method #4: Find the Source of the Mold Spores

Oftentimes, cleaning your closet isn't enough. You'll need to figure out where the mold is coming from so you can eliminate the mold growth once and for all. You might have a leaky pipe behind the wall, or perhaps your air humidity levels are too damp. You might also have mold growing in your room or another area in your house that causes mold spores.

Similarly, you should look for the source of moisture in your closet. For instance, keeping your laundry hamper nearby provides moisture from sweat, and organic material for mold and mildew to grow. Keep any source of moisture away from your closet.

Method #5: Clean Your Shelves

Clean your shelves frequently, and organize your items based on a custom closet system. Pick out the items you can store away from the rest of your items based on frequency of use. Clean the shelves, hanging rod, and closet walls regularly for mold prevention.

Use a custom closet system to keep your items organized. Store away any items you no longer use or need, and keep only your essentials in the closet. Overcrowding a closet is another way for mold to easily grow while staying hidden in plain sight. Categorize your items and minimize the things you store in the closet to keep it mold-free.

Method #6: Steer Clear of Plastics

Plastic dry cleaning bags may have kept your clothes clean on the way from the cleaners, but they can cause moisture to build up from your clothes. This moisture is where mold colonies start. Avoid keeping your items in plastic bags as these do not promote good air circulation around the closet. Stick to mesh bags and light canvas bags to store clothes instead.

Method #7: Clear Away Mold

If you already have mold growing in your closet, don't fret! Simply create a mix of vinegar and baking soda in a spray bottle to clear away the mold growth, and kill off any mold spores before they spread. Be sure to clear out the closet before you start spraying, and let the closet completely dry before you place the items back in.

Spray the entire closet with the solution, and apply the solution to any affected garments as well. Let the solution sit for 10-15 minutes, then use a soft brush to loosen the mold. Take a soft cloth, and wipe away the dead mold. Spray your closet once more, and let the solution dry completely as a preventive step. Thoroughly wash affected garments.

Keep Mold Away from Your Home

One essential way to clear your home from mold is to deep clean your house from top to bottom. This removes any traces of mold growth, which will prevent mold outbreaks in the future. Look to us for all your cleaning needs! We'll ensure your home is completely clean, while you sit back and enjoy the fresh air.

Give us a call or email us today, and we can discuss a cleaning schedule that fits your needs! 

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