Air Conditioning 101: How Does a Furnace Work in an AC System?

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What is a Furnace?

Air conditioning units deliver cool air into the room, driving down the overall room temperature, and creating a comfortable space during hot summer days. Furnaces, on the other hand, deliver warm air into the room, and are useful during cool weather, such as winter or autumn. Simply put, air conditioning systems cool the air, and furnaces warm the air.

The furnace and air conditioner work together in regulating the indoor air temperature around your home, keeping it at a comfortable level all year round. The heating and cooling systems are also called HVAC systems, which stands for Heating, Ventilation, and Cooling.

How Does a Furnace Work with AC Units?

The HVAC system works by delivering warm air or cold air into the room according to the temperature set on the thermostat. The furnace creates hot air, which is expelled into the room through the blower fan. The furnace gathers surrounding air, heats it up, and maintains a warm, toasty temperature indoors during the harsh, cold months.

Air conditioning units, on the other hand, deliver cool air into the room by expelling warm air outside. Air conditioners make use of an evaporator coil, a condenser coil, and an exhaust fan to draw the thermal energy from the surrounding air, and cool the air circulating around the room. This is often used during the warmer seasons.

In a heating and cooling system, the furnace and air conditioner work together to maintain a comfortable temperature indoors, regardless of the season or weather outside. An HVAC system is typically installed as a central air conditioning system for the furnace and air conditioning units to work throughout the house via the air ducts.

Both cooled air and warmed air are delivered throughout the space using the same distribution system in a central air conditioning unit, removing the need to install a heating system separate from the air conditioner. This streamlines temperature regulation, and allows the homeowner to control ventilation, humidity, and other factors as well.

Smart air conditioners can also regulate the indoor temperature by basing it off the outdoor air temperature. These smart systems are fully automated, generating warm or cool air based on the temperature reading outside, and circulates them to maintain a comfortable space. They may also remove excess moisture in the air, or increase humidity.

Should You Get a Furnace and Air Conditioner?

An HVAC system is helpful in climates that see multiple changes in seasons. A furnace is a forced air system that is meant to circulate warm air throughout the space, so for a tropical climate like Singapore, there may be little residential use for a furnace as outdoor temperature is often consistent.

However, there are seasons that may bring a cold front, such as particularly cold, rainy seasons. In these cases, a furnace would be useful for those who prefer to stay warm and cozy during the rainy weather. Furnaces are also useful in select industries, such as for agricultural purposes, medical facilities, pharmaceutical production, and more.

There are also individuals that strongly prefer warm weather rather than cold air, and as such, work well with forced air systems like furnaces to maintain a stable and warm indoor temperature throughout their homes.

A furnace is right for you if you require consistent temperatures - not too cold, and not too warm. An HVAC system will be able to bring you the best of heating and cooling systems in one, and allows you to regulate the temperature accurately around the entire space, especially when installed as a central air system.

Maintaining Heating and Cooling Systems

Centralized HVAC systems are generally low maintenance, but it is necessary to have the unit professionally cleaned at least once every 4 to 6 months, and the ductwork cleaned regularly to keep the unit running smoothly. Air filters should be washed every two weeks or so, and the HVAC unit must undergo a routine checkup twice a year.

These are to maintain the good condition of the central air conditioning system, which will prevent damages from regular wear and tear. Professional maintenance can detect weak spots and faulty components before they cause problems as well, and will maintain the durability of your HVAC unit.

For all your air conditioning needs, look no further than Luce Aircon. Our experienced technicians can clean and maintain both a heating system and a cooling system, so you can rest assured that we can get the job done right!

Get a good start with your HVAC unit, and call us today to discuss a maintenance schedule for your heating and cooling systems.

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