5 Signs of Mold in Aircon & How to Clean It

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Your air conditioner is a significant investment in your overall comfort and well-being, but have you thought about how clean it actually is? While the cool air that it releases can be refreshing, it might contain some impurities and contaminants that could be detrimental to your health, specifically mold. It’s very common for mold to grow within the components of your air conditioner, but you can stay on top of it by looking out for these common signs!

Why Does Mold Grow Inside Air Conditioners?

Mold grows inside air conditioners because they provide the perfect environment for growth and breeding. During operation, the inside of your air conditioner is dark, moist, and contains organic material, all of which can encourage mold growth. While mold growth is no indication of faulty processes inside your AC unit, it can come with some health concerns and hygiene issues.

Is Mold in Air Conditioners Dangerous?

Yes, mold inside air conditioners can be dangerous, especially when left unaddressed for too long. While mold can trigger respiratory issues like nausea, congestion, coughing, and asthma, the mycotoxins that mold produces can also cause more serious conditions like pneumonia and bleeding in the lungs. The best way to avoid all of this is by preventing mold from growing in your air conditioner in the first place.

5 Common Signs of Mold in Air Conditioner

When mold begins to grow and thrive inside your air conditioner, there will be some obvious signs. Here are some common signs of mold inside your air conditioner!

Visible Mold Growth

Visible mold growth is naturally the most definitive sign of mold growth inside your air conditioner. To check, open your air conditioner unit and inspect the coils, drain pan, ducts, and air filter for any suspicious patches. If you see any fuzzy or slimy patches that are black, brown, or green, then you have mold growth.

Musty and Unpleasant Odor

When mold grows inside your air conditioner, some particles can infiltrate the air being released into your space. When this happens, you’ll notice a distinct old and musky smell that’ll be difficult to ignore, especially as it will spread all over your living space.

Respiratory Issues

Molds are known as common allergens that can irritate your respiratory system, which is why they may cause some health issues after a while. If you’ve noticed that you or your loved ones have been recently afflicted with respiratory issues like coughing, sneezing, allergies, or asthma, then this can be a sign that you have some mold growth on your hands.

Reduced Cooling Efficiency

The more mold that grows inside your unit, the more likely it is to compromise an essential component, leading to reduced airflow and overall efficiency. Not only will this negatively affect your cooling experience by reducing the strength of your air conditioner, but it could also push your unit to consume more energy, increasing your electricity and utility bill costs.

Frequent Malfunctions

Another downside of mold spreading through and infiltrating your unit is that it can increase the number of malfunctions and breakdowns you experience. This is because mold can increase the wear and tear that these parts experience during operation. Because of this, you may be forced to spend much more money on costly repairs and replacements.

How to Clean Mold Inside Air Conditioner

Heavy mold growth inside your air conditioner is a serious problem that can only be resolved by replacing the unit. Even if you’ve managed to remove any visible signs of mold, there’s a high chance that the mold will return and continue to thrive inside your unit. However, light mold growth can be cleaned off with the following steps!

Step 1: Preparing the Air Conditioner

After equipping yourself with the right safety equipment, like gloves, a face mask, and safety goggles, bring the unit outside your home to prevent the mold from spreading. Open the air conditioner and use a vacuum cleaner to remove any loose mold particles.

Step 2: Clean the Air Filter

Locate the air filter of your unit and remove it. Then, mix 1 part bleach with 10 parts water, and let the air filter soak in the solution for at least 10 minutes. Rinse the filter and let it air dry completely.

Step 3: Choose Your Cleaning Solution

Depending on your preferences, as well as what you already have on hand, you may choose from the following cleaner options:

  • Commercial Mold Cleaner: There are some products out there that are formulated to specifically target light mold growth in air conditioners. Make sure to read the instructions thoroughly before proceeding.
  • Bleach Solution: You can simply create the same bleach solution from the previous step by combining one part bleach with ten parts water. Feel free to add a spoonful of mild detergent if you feel like you need a stronger cleaning solution.
  • White Vinegar Solution: Aside from bleach, white vinegar can also kill mold in air conditioners. Mix equal parts white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. This is a great option for individuals looking to eliminate mold without having to use harsh chemicals.

Step 4: Clean the Unit

Use your chosen solution to clean the interior of your air conditioner, making sure to avoid any electrical components. Then, use a clean cloth or scrub brush to scrub away any buildup.

Step 5: Dry and Replace

Leave the cleaning solution for 10 minutes before rinsing the unit and letting it air dry. Then, reinstall the air filter inside your unit and reassemble your air conditioner.

How to Prevent Mold Inside Air Conditioner

When it comes to mold growth, it’s always better to prevent it from happening in the first place rather than have to deal with it later on. Here are some tips to help you avoid mold growth inside your air conditioner:

  • Clean Air Filters Regularly: Your air filter traps all the dirt, dust, and bacteria from the air and prevents them from reaching your living space. However, they can become clogged and accumulate moisture, which can foster mold growth. Make sure that you regularly check and clean your air filters once a month with some soapy water to wash away any blockages that may have been collected.
  • Clean Drain Pan: Your drain pan collects all the condensation that your AC produces, which means that it’s exposed to a lot of moisture. That’s why it’s important to clean your drain pan regularly. After removing any collected water, combine equal parts of water, a few drops of dish soap, and white vinegar in a bucket. Use a sponge to apply the cleaning solution to your drain pan and start scrubbing. Rinse it thoroughly when you’re done, and let it air dry before reinstalling.
  • Clean Drain Line: The drain line can also be the cause of mold growth. Not only is it constantly dark and moist, but any clogs can prevent the condensation from draining properly, encouraging mold to grow inside your unit. To clean it, mix equal parts water and white vinegar, and use this to rinse and wash the inside of your drain line. You can also add a few drops of dish soap for much stronger cleaning.
  • Reduce Indoor Humidity: Make sure that your home’s indoor humidity level stays within the recommended range of 30% to 50% to prevent mold from growing. In case you didn’t know, mold requires moisture to grow, so keeping your home’s humidity within normal levels will go a long way toward keeping mold away. You can either invest in a dehumidifier or enable your unit’s dehumidifying functions.
  • Have Your Unit Professionally Cleaned: The best way to prevent mold from growing and spreading inside your unit is to book an appointment and have your unit professionally cleaned. Not only will professional HVAC technicians be able to thoroughly clean your air conditioner, but they’ll also be able to ensure that everything is running properly and smoothly.

The Takeaway

Your air conditioner can help you and your family stay cool and relaxed, but it can also create the perfect breeding ground for mold growth. Fortunately, there are some signs that you can look out for to determine whether or not your unit has been affected. Mold growth in general can also be prevented with proper AC cleaning and maintenance.

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