If you have a marble floor at home, then you already know that they look their best when glossy and smooth. Whether you’ve got a floor that has lost its shine, or are just looking for ways to maintain your marble floor’s luster, here’s an easy guide with everything you need to know to keep your floor in mint condition.
The best part is, you can do this on your own with the help of a few specialty products.
Here’s What You’ll Need
- sponge
- commercial marble cleaner
- mild dishwashing liquid
- microfiber cloths
- ammonia
- hydrogen peroxide
- baking soda
- paintbrush
- plastic wrap
- razor blade/spatula
- marble polishing powder
- marble sealer
How to Polish Marble Floors
Step One: Deep Clean
Before you can start polishing your marble floor, you need to make sure that it is thoroughly cleaned first. And no, we don’t mean the regular sweeping of dust particles and wiping the occasional spills. If you want your marble floor to really shine, a deep clean is an absolute must.
- Start by using a soft dry rag to wipe away any crumbs or dirt, then wet the surface with a damp sponge.
- Next, you can either apply a commercial marble cleaner or a couple of drops of nonabrasive dishwashing liquid to your damp rag as a cleaner.
- Distribute your cleaner of choice across the entire floor, and buff away any spots or debris.
Note: When cleaning your marble floor, never use vinegar, bleach, scrubs, or any harsh chemicals to clean your marble floor, as this may etch the polish and leave you with dulled spots.
Step Two: Remove Stains
For more stubborn stains, you can opt to use a commercial marble stain remover (often called poultices), or make your own.
To create your own homemade poultice and remove the stains, follow these steps:
- Mix a tablespoon of ammonia into half a cup of hydrogen peroxide.
- Slowly add just enough baking soda for your mixture to reach a thick, creamy consistency (similar to peanut butter or sour cream).
- Once you’ve achieved the right texture, use a clean paintbrush to spread the poultice on the stained areas.
- Cover the stain to a depth of a quarter to half an inch thick, and spread to at least an inch beyond the edges of the stain.
- Next, cover the poultice with plastic wrap (be sure to secure the edges with masking tape).
- Leave for 12-24 hours until the poultice has hardened completely.
- After your poultice has completely dried, remove the plastic cover and begin carefully scraping the poultice away with a razor blade or spatula. You can also add half a cup of water to dampen the poultice slightly, making it easier to scrape (just be sure not to dig at the marble surface!)
Reminder: Make sure to clean away any remaining poultice residue with a clean damp cloth, and then wipe the marble until it dries.
Step Three: Polish
While severe etching requires the help of a professional, you can often remove minor etching with a polishing powder from your local home improvement store.
Tip: if you want to play it safe, check in with your marble manufacturer on which marble polishing powder they recommend.
- Begin by soaking a clean cloth with water, and wiping the etched areas.
- Sprinkle a bit of the marble polishing powder onto the etched spots, and gently buff in according to the product’s instructions.
- Follow with a clean, damp rag to remove any residue, and wipe your marble dry to reveal its newly restored shine.
Step Four: Seal
Prevention is better than cure. If you want to help your marble resist major stains and keep its luster, be sure to seal your marble floor at least twice a year. If you can, it always helps to consult your manufacturer first on the best products and practices specific to your marble floor.
- After you’ve purchased the appropriate marble sealer, spray or pour directly to the marble’s surface.
- Spread across the entire marble floor with a clean, dry cloth and let it soak for the length of time specified on the product’s container (though typically it would take five minutes or less).
- Once done, grab another clean, dry cloth and buff the sealer into the marble using circular motions.
- Keep buffing until the sealer is completely soaked into the stone, and the marble feels dry to the touch.
You’ll know it is completely dry when it feels completely smooth, and there is no tacky or sticky feeling left.
How to Maintain Your Marble Floor’s Shine
- Dry clean regularly - To keep your marble floor glossy for a longer period of time, be sure to give it a dry clean with a dust mop or soft cloth regularly. If you live alone, once a week would suffice. If you belong to a household of 4 or more people, you’ll probably have to dust the floor almost everyday. This is to prevent dust buildup, which may cause minor scratches if left unattended.
- Remove spills immediately - In the case of accidental spills, be sure to remove it as soon as you possibly can to prevent the spill from soaking in the marble’s crevices and creating a difficult stain. Marble is a porous rock, which means it can absorb liquid easily.
- Always blot, never scrub - When dealing with stains, always remember to blot, and never scrub. Flush spills with plenty of water to neutralize pH levels, which will reduce the chances of stains or etches. This is especially important when dealing with stains caused by acids like citrus, tomato, vinegar and coffee.
- Consider carpets and rugs - For high traffic areas, consider investing in carpets or rugs for your floor. Not only do these make stylish additions to your home, but they will also help cover and protect your floor from dirt, sand, and other abrasive particles.
Caring for Your Marble Floor
Constant wear and tear dulls a marble surface or floor’s finish through time. But with a bit of TLC, you’ll be able to restore its original magnificence in no time. Be sure to remember these tips and tricks for your next marble polishing session.