Bath toys are essential to get your little ones clean during bath time. These adorable bath buddies keep kids still in the bath, and help them practice their motor skills during everyday tasks. Bath toys come in a variety of cute characters and colours, and usually float in the bath for bathtime fun.
However, the amount of time bath toys spend in water also makes them susceptible to various germs and mold growth that can make your little ones sick. To make them float, manufacturers usually keep the interior of bath toys hollow, which can harbour mold inside. The rubber material of most bath toys is also prone to staining, as mold gets deep into the porous surface.
Why Moldy Bath Toys Are Dangerous
Myth has it that bath toys don’t need frequent cleaning as they are always exposed to soap and water during bath time. This cannot be further from the truth, as constant exposure to soap and water is what causes bacteria, mold, and germs to thrive in your children’s bath toys. These microorganisms then spread to your kid during bath time, as the kid plays with their toys.
When mold and other germs build up on bath toys, they can cause various problems to your child’s health. This includes causing allergies, respiratory issues, and a host of other troubles. Mold is specifically known to be a dangerous element for children as they tend to have weaker immune systems and this can double their danger over time.
The spores that cause mold are constantly floating in the air and they simply need the right ecosystem to settle down and thrive. Bath toys are one of their favorite locations because of their capacity to retain water and the poor ventilation in bathrooms. Give the mold enough time on these toys without a proper cleaning, and they will establish a mini-colony in your child’s rubber ducky.
How Often Should You Clean Bath Toys
A recent study conducted by ABC News revealed that a vast majority of bath toys have bacteria and mold in them. These toys also tend to have traces of fecal matter on them as well. This included toys made of various materials such as foam, plastic, and rubber, although rubber bath toys were found to be the dirtiest of the lot.
According to experts, it is recommended that you clean your child’s bath toys on a weekly basis. If there is a sick child at home, it is better to clean the toys at least twice a week.
How to Clean Bath Toys: 5 Different Ways
But how do we keep our kids safe from germs found in their bath toys? You don’t have to throw out all their bath toys unless extremely stained from dirt, but regular cleaning of bath toys prevents growth of harmful microorganisms, as well as sanitize and clean out any soap scum left on the surface.
Clean Them with Bleach
If you have some bleach at home, you can always submerge the bath toys in the cleaning agent in a 1:1 ratio with water to achieve a thorough cleaning. Place bath toys in a basin filled with the diluted bleach, making sure the toys are fully submerged. You may want to use another basin to weigh down the toys that float.
Allow the toys to sit in the water for two to three hours. Once the time has passed, drain all the water out of the toys and rinse them properly with clean water. Take precaution when cleaning with bleach if your child is at their teething stage, as bleach ingestion is a serious health hazard. Coloured toys may also fade with bleach, so best to patch test first on an unnoticeable spot.
Clean Bath Toys with Vinegar
If you’re not a fan of using bleach, we completely understand. If you are still keen on using home-made cleaning agents, however, you can always use vinegar to clean the bath toys. Vinegar may not be as effective as bleach when it comes to cleaning toys, but the former is certainly less dangerous if ingested.
To make the most of the vinegar, make a mix of vinegar and water in the ratio 2:10. Allow the toys to soak in the vinegar for six to twelve hours for vinegar to work its magic. Vinegar kills mold and removes mold stains, as well as breaks down germs that may have gotten in the hollow toys.
Once you’re done soaking the toys, remove them from the water, rinse them with clean water properly, and wipe them dry. Make sure to remove any liquid that accumulated in the hollow interior of bath toys, as well as any pockets where liquid may settle.
Clean Toys with Boiled Water
Another simple and effective method of cleaning bath toys is by simply boiling them in water. This method obviously does not work for soft plastic toys, but most other materials like rubber, silicone, and hard plastic should not have any issues with the temperature.
Take a large pot and fill with water. Bring the water to a boil, then turn off the heat and allow the water to cool a bit. Your pot should be big enough to cover the number of toys you intend to clean. Submerge all the toys in the water after it is done boiling and let them soak in the heat. Once the water has completely cooled down, you can remove the toys and dry them with a towel, making sure to remove the water that accumulates in the hollow interior.
Wash and Sanitize with Dishwasher
Your dishwasher can be a surprisingly effective ally when it comes to cleaning bath toys. This is definitely the go-to method if you don’t have the time to clean the toys manually. Just place the toys in the top rack of the dishwasher and place it in a hot cycle. Just make sure to check the toys’ labels to ensure that all of them are dishwasher safe before you begin.
Sanitize Using Disinfectant Wipes
If you have purchased specifically easy-to-clean bath toys for your home, you will not need any of the methods mentioned above. All you’ll need to do to clean these toys is to wipe them thoroughly with disinfectant wipes. As long as these toys don’t have any sections that allow water to seep through and settle internally, just wiping these toys with disinfectant wipes will do the trick nicely. Make sure to let the toys fully dry before using them again.
How to Prevent Mold in Bath Toys
The growth of mold is not an inevitable outcome for your child’s bath toys. You can help to create a safe environment for these toys and prevent the growth of bacteria and mold altogether.
For this, you must consider purchasing a rack or tray to install in your bathroom specifically for drying your children’s bath toys. This will allow the water from the toys to drain out entirely. Leave the windows in your bathroom open for good air circulation in the space after play time. If you have fans in the bathroom, use them to remove any steam as well. Drying out your child’s toy is crucial in preventing the growth of mold.
Keeping Playtime Safe
Having your child fall sick as they play with one of their favorite toys is one of the worst possible scenarios one can imagine. Yet, this happens all the time because of the mold growing on bath toys. You can prevent this from happening in your home by cleaning your child’s bath buddies on a regular basis.
Let playtime in the bathtub remain fun and playful instead of inciting a visit from a doctor!
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