How to Clean a Flat Screen Monitor or TV Screen

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No presentation is complete without your pitch deck projected on the conference room flat screen; and for those important client and partner meetings, you’d want to put your best foot forward. You’ve worked hard to crunch those numbers and you’re ready to present your slides.

So don’t let your audience be distracted from your essential presentation with a dusty flat screen monitor. A crystal clear flat screen helps present your pitch in the best way possible. After all, every little thing counts when it comes to impressing your bosses, clients, and partners!

In this guide, we’ll show you how to clean your flat screen monitor, TV screen, and computer or laptop screens until you can see your reflection on them. You’ll need one essential cleaning tool: a lint-free cloth, like a microfiber cleaning cloth. 

Why Do Flat Screen Monitors or TV Screens Get Dirty?

As we’ve discussed before, dust is everywhere and the only way to get rid of them is to constantly clean surfaces where they may accumulate. Flat screens, laptop screens, and TV monitors are prone to gathering dust particles and dirt, as monitors usually emit some form of static electricity that attracts small particles to the screen. 

Particles like dead skin cells, hair, fibers from cleaning cloths, and general dust in the air can all stick to flat screen TV screens and monitors, causing them to look dirty and present dull-looking graphics when in use. In offices, these screens are not often cleaned. Computer screens, too, can get their fair share of fingerprints as colleagues discuss new project plans or designs. 

Before you do any sort of cleaning it is always a good idea to turn off the monitor first as the pitch black background makes it easier to see dust particles, fibers, and fingerprints. Unplugging the device prevents electrical shocks in case of grounded devices. 

How to Clean Flat Screen Monitor

That flat screen in the conference room gathering dust and cobwebs? Due to its typically high location, the flat screen monitor in meeting rooms often go unnoticed and uncleaned. Dust, cobwebs, and even dead bugs can accumulate on the unit, causing it to get dirty. 

The perfect cleaning fluid for your flat screens? Window cleaner! Window or glass cleaners were made to be streak free, etch free, and suitable for glassy surfaces like screens. We recommend using a microfiber cloth dampened with some glass cleaner to wipe your monitors clear. Gently wipe in a circular motion to avoid streaks, and let the solution dry.

How to Clean Computer Monitors

For those graphic artists, and article writers, you may have the habit of using your tablet or pointing a finger on your laptop screen, which can cause fingerprints to show up on the screen of your device. To clean computer screens, you don’t need any fancy cleaning solution when you probably already have the best cleaner for your device screens: distilled white vinegar.

Vinegar removes the oil from our fingerprints, and disinfects the surface it is cleaning as well. Take a microfiber cloth or paper towels, and apply some diluted vinegar on it. Wipe the screen of your device, computer monitor, or laptop screen until all the fingerprints are gone. 

What to Avoid When Cleaning Them

While wiping a screen clean may seem like an easy, straightforward task, there are a couple of limitations in cleaning methods and solutions that may cause damage to the device. Here are a couple of don’ts when cleaning screens:

  • Don’t wipe the screen too vigorously, or with too much pressure - Screens are sensitive to touch, and the connections behind the screen may be disrupted with hard cleaning, even on touch screens.
  • Don’t use cleaners with ammonia, alcohol (also known as rubbing alcohol), or acetate (nail polish remover) as these may damage the material of the screen.
  • Don’t use abrasive cleaners and cleaning tools as they may scratch the surface of the screen. 
  • Don’t use a cleaning cloth that leaves fibers on the screen. When in doubt, use a paper towel or a piece of tissue paper instead.

How to Keep Them Clean

Screens can benefit from a daily cleaning. Simply taking paper towels or a piece of toilet paper dampened with a little water, and wiping the screen clear is enough to keep most screens clean. Covers can also help prevent dust from gathering on the screen. Follow our tips to keep your screens as clean as possible:

  • Place a cover over the screen whenever possible to prevent scratches, which may make the screen look dirty regardless of cleaning.
  • Include screens and monitors in your daily or weekly cleaning schedule. 
  • Use only solutions that are safe for devices. Oil-based, alcohol-based, and soap-based solutions are generally avoided as they may damage the device, or leave residue.
  • Most companies sell cleaning products along with their monitors, and these cleaners were made to be used on their devices. 
  • Monitors have care instructions along with their box, which reads what measures to take to ensure that the monitor you purchased can function properly for a long time. 

In essence, there is no escape from a dusty computer monitor or TV screen. The best way to ensure these devices perform at their best is to constantly wipe away the dust and oils for a screen with the best graphics.

Clean Your Office - The Professional Way!

Monitors and screens are sensitive, and cleaning them may sound intimidating but the task can easily be performed by professional office cleaners. We at Luce SG pride ourselves with proper training of our cleaners so they can do the job right.

Along with your monitor, have your whole office cleaned from top to bottom to ensure that your business is spotless. Impress your clients and partners with a clean, sanitized meeting room. Give us a call today, with the location of your office in Singapore, and we’ll find you a schedule that works for you!

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