How to Clean a Bathroom Sink Drain

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Your bathroom looks perfectly clean and you put in efforts to make it look nice and inviting. But, despite your efforts, you notice some strange smell coming from the sink drain, and this leaves you baffled.

Well, do not worry as you are not alone. No matter how much you try to prevent things from slipping down the sink, it is common for residues to build up, and this, eventually, ends up slowing down your drain.

Obviously, no one enjoys a slow or a smelly bathroom sink, and so you must give it immediate attention. If you do not treat it on time, your blocked drain may block your entire pipe, and then it will be difficult for water to drain properly.

Thankfully, you can clean the bathroom sink drain just by following a few simple steps. And, we shall share with you these steps right away.

How to Clean Bathroom Sink Drain: A Step-by-Step Process

Flush using boiling water

Boil around half a gallon of water and pour it down your drain very carefully in order to remove any stubborn buildup. Wait for about 5 minutes and then run cool water.

Get rid of clogs

Remove your bathroom sink drain guard or stopper and get rid of the debris that it has collected. If the clog is serious, then you can remove hair with the help of a drain snake. Also, you may plunge the drain and loosen all blockages.

In case you have an attached stopper, you can remove that as well. All you have to do is unscrew the nut present at the back of your drainpipe and pull the retaining rod out.

Use an all-purpose cleaner

Select a good quality all-purpose cleaner and pour 2 cups (or as mentioned in the instructions) full-strength solution into your sink drain in the late evening.

Allow it to sit and let the cleaner stay that way in the drain overnight.


Next morning, turn your faucet on, run hot water for a few minutes down the drain, and your sink should be clean.

How to Remove Hair from a Sink Drain

It is common for people to shave their beards or brush their hair over the sink. You may even say this is perfectly normal and harmless. Yes, it will not be a cause of concern, not until your sink drain gets clogged. No surprise, the clump of hair is the culprit here.

Do not worry as we shall help you solve this problem easily. To get started, you need to remove your drain stopper and try to remove the clog yourself. However, if the clog has reached way down then you will need to use an unclogging gel.

After you buy an unclogging gel from the store, you simply need to follow the manufacturer's instructions, and you are sorted. Alternatively, you can use a natural solution that we have shared below.

How to Clean a Drain with Vinegar and Baking Soda

To follow this natural cleaning method, you first have to pour down about half a gallon of boiling water down your drain. The debris that has clogged your drain will start breaking up because of the heat. You next need to plunge the drain at least a few times so that any blockages present loosen up further.

Now, take a cup of baking soda and throw it into the drain slowly. Let the baking soda sit for a while. Next, pour a cup of white vinegar down your drain.

As the baking soda and vinegar react and begin forming a foam, cover the opening so that the foam moves down to the clogged part. Allow the mixture to stay that way for an hour and then pour down half a gallon of boiling water again.

This procedure will help break down any debris present in your bathroom sink drain. Also, it will help get rid of any odors. If the clog is stubborn, then you will need to repeat the entire process yet again, and your drain will start working normally.

A Spotless Bathroom Awaits

Now that you know how to clean bathroom sink drain, you can get started right away. You will be amazed at how easy it is to clean a drain and it does not even take much time and effort. 

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